The Talent Tube experience was designed so you can easily create an account and build your own profile to be discoverable by the employers and recruiters. When you sign into Talent Tube, you land on your profile, which gives you access to your messages, and notifications, jobs, talents and companies.
Check out some of these frequently asked questions about the Talent Tube Professional Job board
The Talent Tube navigation bar is a simple menu of tabs located at the top of the Talent Tube homepage that makes it easy to access various features quickly. The menu includes, Jobs, Remote Only, Talents, Companies Messaging, Notifications, and Profile..
My Notes allows you to leave notes,reminders and goals for yourself.
Jobs enable you to search and post job listings.
Talents Page allows you to access other talent’s profiles.
Companies Allows you to quick access to any company and their job listing.
Messaging is where you can access your messages.
Notifications let you view updates about your connections.
Me is where you can view and edit your profile, manage account settings, and access the Help Center.
The Talent Tube Navigation bar at the top of every page allows you to access jobs, remote only pages ,Talents and companies. To search for jobs, you can click the Jobs icon in the homepage and search for jobs in the Jobs homepage.
You can simply login into your account and click your profile icon on the navigation bar to access your settings
You can simply login into your account and click your profile icon on the navigation bar to access your subscription settings.
Talent Tube premium benefits;
Free access to the resume builder.
Every month 30 messages to employers.
Profile promotion on the Talent’s Page which will allow recruiters see your profile before they see others.
You can simply login into your account and click your profile icon on the navigation bar to access your account settings.
Your notes simply messages that you leave for yourself and also you can set goals and reminders for yourself. Which is a unique feature that we( Talent Tube) provides to its users.
Unlike other platforms only Talent Tube users and Employers has access to your profile and only Employers have access to your information and private inputs.
You can simply login into your account and click your profile icon on the navigation bar to access your email notifcation settings.